DroidMunkey LLC Apps

DockAwake! Dock Manager 1.8.2
DroidMunkey LLC
Adjust your Display and Settings when Docked!(locale for docks)- Display Timeout- Disable Keyguard- Launch a program- Bluetooth on/off/reset- Wifi on/off- Call Mode (auto speakerphone / headset)Works with Car Dock / Desk DockRemoving from a dock will restore the previous settings(Not a locale plug-in)
Dock Condition Locale Plug-in 1.1
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Condition for Docks!Automatically change your settings when your phone is in a cardock or desk (multimedia) dock!Official Dock-plugin was not reliable for me, and this is muchnicer looking and easier to use :-)Locale 1.0 RequiredDesigned for android 2.0+ and compatible docks ( Motorola Droid/ Nexus One )
Locale Dock Faker Plug-in 1.1
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in that will trick your phone intothinking it's in a Car Dock or Desk DockSetup your phone to automatically go into Multimedia dock modeat night,Or stay in Car Mode while you are driving around during theday!* MAKE SURE YOU SETUP A CONDITION TO UNDOCK! *Locale v1.0 Requiredv1.1 Fixed Media Dock!
Locale Text-to-Speech Plug-In 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plugin for Text-to-SpeechRead a message whenever a situation is triggered!Requires the Text-to-Speech Libraries for Android (FreelyAvailable in the market)Locale 1.0 RequiredKeywords: Locale plugin, Plug-in, TTS, Text to Speech, Speak
Locale Wifi Conditions Plug-in 1.2
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in for Wifi ConditionsUse Wifi Networks to trigger conditions! With this Plug-in youcan require one or more Access Points to be at a minimum SignalStrength.v1.3- More Reliable Scanning, Option to control scanintervalRequires Locale 1.0
Locale Vibrate Pattern Plug-in 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
This Locale Plug-in will allow you to Vibrateyour phone in whatever pattern you choose!You can use dashes, dots and spaces OR enter a series of numbersto set an exact on-off pattern!Perfect for silently notifying you when a situtation istriggered* Locale 1.0 Required *
Locale Speakerphone Plug-in 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in to Automatically enableSpeakphone for Incoming and Outgoing Calls!Don't forget to add this to your 'Default' to turn it backoff!* The 'Speaker Phone' Indicator may take a few seconds to changeon some phone apps- but trust me, it's on :-)Keywords: Locale Plugin, Auto Speaker PhoneLocale 1.0 Required
Locale Play Sound Plug-in 1.1
DroidMunkey LLC
Locale Plug-in to Play ANY sound on yourphone!Choose the sound using the android ringtone picker.Ringtones, Music, Alerts, anything on your phone!Requires Locale 1.0version 1.1- Fixed Android 1.5 crash
Locale Variables Plug-in 1.2
DroidMunkey LLC
Variables for Locale!This plugin will allow you to set and change variables inonesituation and have them used as conditions in another!Ever wish you could have one situation trigger another one?Or, do one thing when you get home from work, and anotherwhenyou get home from school?Now you can!Requires Locale 1.0
Locale Timer Plug-in 1.1
DroidMunkey LLC
Countdown Timer plug-in for localeThis plugin will let youstart a timer when a situation is triggered.Then, you can use the timer to trigger other situations!Ever wanted to keep your ringer off for a certain amountoftimes? How about a reminder to each lunch 4 hours after you gettowork?Requires Locale 1.0
DynamicDNS w/ Locale Plug-in 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
Dynamic DNS app that allow you to updateyourIP address manually or automatically based on localeconditions!Please email us to request support your favoriteDynDNSservices!This app does NOT require locale, but it will notupdateautomatically without it.Currently Supports DynDNS, Enom and ZoneEdit
aCustomSoundboard 1.0
DroidMunkey LLC
aCustomSoundBoard is the hotest new soundboardapp for Android!Fling between 9 panels of sound effects to maximizeyouroptions* Use any of your ringtones* Download user submited sounds* Record your own!See website for more details and screenshots!Keywords: Sound Effects, Custom Sound Board,PersonalSoundboard
Locale Calendar Plug-in 1.3
DroidMunkey LLC
This Locale Plug-in will allow you touseCalendar Events as conditions!Set your phone to vibrate when you are in a meeting, Turn upyourringer while you are at Gym.Filter by exact match, or any events that contain a certainwordin the title or location!v1.3- Froyo (android 2.2) Compatible!* Locale 1.0 Required *